ai sex chats

If you were looking for best AI sex chat, you just hit the right website!

We are the first website based only for AI sex chats by reviewing and listing them, or at least one of the first. You will find all best and new AI chat bots with sexy twist from this website from easy listings.

AI sex chat

We have been doing research just for you, to help find your dream AI girlfriend or boyfriend today, and you can find honest star review of each chat site.

Around the website you find more information about AI sex chats, how those work and why you probably should give it a try.

Welcome to the the world of AI sexting!

Best AI sex chats 2024

Without any useless talk, let us introduce you the best ai sex chat sites 2024. Most of AI sex chats are free, till the limits that changing a little bit between operators. Best thing is, that you can try sex chat for free and then decide, if you want to go deeper with premium user account!

Super popular
Chat now
Great user feedback!
Chat now
Best price / quality ratio!
Chat now


Welcome to, the premier destination for exploring the cutting-edge world of AI sex chatting. Our mission is to provide you with comprehensive, unbiased reviews of the best AI sex chat applications available today. We understand that finding the perfect app to meet your needs can be overwhelming, given the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and the growing number of platforms available. That’s where we come in. is website where you can easily find all best AI sex chats. We noticed the interest about ai sex chats, but there is not a lot of websites introducing them deeply. We will tell you everything about AI sexting and find you all the latest chat bots easily.

This web site is made to help you to find your dream AI girlfriend whom do everything you ever wanted from your real girlfriend!

So, in a nutshell – You will find all AI sex chats with best features, and most high quality local & video sex chats around the website!

You can also follow us at X to receive information about new chatting sites and reviews! Follow us here!

Reviews and Analysis of apps

At, we meticulously review and analyze a wide range of AI sex chat applications, focusing on various aspects such as user experience, AI responsiveness, privacy and security features, customization options, and overall satisfaction.

Our team of experts delves deep into each app, testing its functionalities and features to ensure that you get an accurate and thorough assessment.

Detailed Guides and Articles

Our website is designed with you in mind, providing detailed reviews and guides to help you navigate through the plethora of options. We highlight the unique features of each app, showcasing their strengths and pointing out areas where they excel.

Whether you are looking for realistic conversational experiences, advanced customization options, or top-notch privacy measures, our reviews cover it all.

Maximizing Your AI Sex Chat Experience

In addition to reviews, offers insightful articles and guides on maximizing your experience with AI sex chat apps. We cover topics such as choosing the right app for your preferences, setting up and personalizing your chats, and tips for maintaining privacy and security while using these platforms. Our goal is to ensure that you are well-informed and confident in your choices, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of AI technology in this unique and personal way.

Stay Updated with the Latest Trends

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations in the AI sex chat industry by visiting our website regularly. We continuously update our content to reflect the newest releases and advancements, ensuring that you always have access to the most current information.

Discover Your Ideal AI Girlfriend

Welcome to, your ultimate guide to finding the perfect AI girlfriend. As pioneers in the evolving world of AI companionship, we are dedicated to helping you discover and connect with the best AI girlfriend apps available today.

Our mission is to provide you with comprehensive, unbiased reviews and insights into the top AI girlfriend platforms, ensuring you find the perfect digital companion to suit your unique needs and desires.

Expert Guides for AI Relationships

In addition to our comprehensive reviews, features a wealth of informative articles and guides to help you get the most out of your AI girlfriend experience. We cover topics such as choosing the right AI girlfriend app for your preferences, setting up and personalizing your digital companion, and tips for maintaining a satisfying and secure virtual relationship.

Our goal is to ensure that you are well-equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to fully enjoy your AI girlfriend experience.

Stay Current with Industry Advancements

Stay current with the latest advancements and trends in the AI girlfriend industry by visiting regularly.

Our content is continuously updated to reflect the newest releases and technological innovations, ensuring that you always have access to the most up-to-date information.

Try for free

You can try AI sexting for free and decide, if you want to stay with your new girlfriend for longer or not. You will find out also cheapest sex chat bots from our website!

Security first

We always make sure to cooperate only with trustful AI sex chat sites to make sure, that you are always safe with us!

AI sex chat Reviews

We always try and review chat bots we list to our website. You will find all needed information before you even try AI sexting for free!

How AI sex chat works?

AI sex chat does not actually even be a lot different than basic sex chats, as these websites use latest high tech AI technology to offer you even better experience than you ever thought.

When you begin chat with AI you can start it just the same way, you would start to chatting for real people. AI starts asking you questions, like ‘’do i know you’’ ‘’where do we met’’ etc.

The conversation will float smoothly, and you can ask whatever you want from your new AI girlfriend. AI sex chat bot will answer you mostly just the way, you would love to hear your girlfriend will answer you.

Understanding AI Sex Chat

AI sex chat involves the use of sophisticated algorithms and natural language processing to create chatbots capable of engaging in conversations that mimic human interaction.

These AI models are trained on vast datasets of conversations, enabling them to generate responses that appear natural and contextually relevant.

Role and Purpose of AI sex chats

The primary purpose of AI sex chat is to provide users with a safe and non-judgmental space to explore their sexuality, fetishes, or intimate desires.

These chat bots aim to offer companionship, simulate emotional connections, and fulfill fantasies in a controlled and private environment.

AI sex chat: Benefits and Controversies

Proponents argue that AI sex chat provides a judgment-free zone for individuals to express themselves without fear of stigma or rejection, example gay sex chat with AI. It can also serve as a form of therapy or companionship for those who feel isolated or lack real-life connections.

However, the technology is not without controversy. Critics raise concerns about the ethical implications of encouraging intimate interactions with AI, potential addiction, blurring lines between reality and fantasy, and the risk of normalizing certain behaviors.

Get started with AI sex chat

Starting AI sex chatting is much easier, than starting a basic sex chat with real people. Usually starting a chat goes same way, at every AI sex chat sites.

First you need to log in, which is easy to do with our google account, or e-mail address. Once you have successfully registered (takes around 1-2min), you are ready to send the first message to AI character you have chosen.

Usually, you can chat free for a while, but mostly messages are limited to somewhere between 20-50 for free memberships. This depends on a lot by chat site you pick, but that’s the average.

Find AI girlfriend or boyfriend

Finding perfect AI girl,- or boyfriend was not that easy before. We have collected all possible platforms for you to try for free to find out if you love your new girlfriend enough to stay with her.

Best thing about AI girlfriend or boyfriend is that, if you don’t like her/him you can just easily pick new one. You can also moderate your girlfriend look just the way you like.

Get pictures and videos from your AI girlfriend

One thing why AI sex chat might be more interesting than basic sex chatting is that, if you will ask, you will get really realistic pictures and videos, from your AI girlfriend. Most of apps give you limited access for free AI nudes and as a paid member you can get sometimes unlimited nudes!

This is usually paid feature and can be found from most top tier AI sex chatting sites, but don’t worry, you will find them all from!

Who Can Benefit from an AI Girlfriend or Boyfriend?

You might be wondering who really can benefit from An AI sex chatting, but lets take a deeper look. These quotes we find around internet from users of ai sexting apps.

Individuals Seeking Companionship

For those who feel lonely or are looking for companionship, an AI girlfriend or boyfriend can provide a sense of connection and intimacy. The ability to have someone to talk to and share experiences with can be comforting and fulfilling.

People Exploring Relationship Dynamics

Users interested in exploring different aspects of romantic relationships can do so safely with an AI companion. This can include practicing communication skills, exploring fantasies, or simply understanding what they desire in a partner.

Long-Distance Relationships

Couples separated by distance can use AI companions to maintain a sense of closeness. The AI can simulate interactions that mimic real-life conversations and activities, helping to bridge the gap and keep the relationship strong.

Therapeutic and Emotional Support

AI companions can be used for therapeutic purposes, providing emotional support and helping users deal with anxiety, depression, or trauma. The non-judgmental and always-available nature of the AI makes it a valuable resource for emotional well-being.

Sexual Exploration and Education

For individuals looking to explore their sexuality in a safe and controlled environment, an AI companion can be an ideal partner. The platform can offer insights into consent, sexual health, and communication, making it an educational tool as well.

Examples of AI girls

Take a look to these girl below. Most of us could not even say, are they real, or made by AI. If you want to have girlfriend like they are, you are just few clicks away from that!

All AI sex chat sites

Below you can find all AI sex chat sites we have reviewed so far. If you know, there is better platforms available, let us know by contacting us!

Try this!
  • High quality chatting
  • Realistic AI girls
  • Also anime characters
  • Voice chat!
  • No negative feedbacks!
Best price / quality ratio!
Chat now

One of the best
  • Easy to use
  • Generate your own AI girlfriend
  • Best value monthly fee
  • Huge catalog of ready made AI girls
High quality AI Sex chat!
Chat now


Popular AI chat
  • fully customizable AI
  • Flexible site
Super popular
Chat now

Dream BF

  • Best AI boyfriend app
  • Nude generator
  • Gay chat
Best Gay AI sex chat
Chat now

Lovemy Ai

  • Great ready made AI girls
  • Full customize AI
  • Nude generator
  • No Male characters
AI Girls and anime characters!
Chat now

Char friend AI

  • Anime or real characters
  • Also AI gay chat
  • Suites for almost everyone
Chat now

Spicychat AI

  • High quality chat
  • Best features
Great user feedback!
Chat now

TryNectar AI

  • Best nude generator
  • Video generator
  • Flexible customization of AI girls!
Also Nude and video generator!
Chat now

OnlyRizz AI

  • Flexible customization
  • AI GIrls and boys
  • Very buggy
  • Poor customer feedback
Naughty AI
Chat now

Free AI sex chat

With AI you can sex chat free more than in a basic adult chatting site. Most Ai sex chats let you use many different features for free, but the best features and long time content saving be behind payment usually.

With free features you can chat with different girl using many AI’s, but if you want one real AI girlfriend whom knows you perfectly we really urge you to use paid features, which is not really expensive nowadays.

Try Free ai sex chat here

AI sex chat paid features

Almost all sex chats have paid features which make the experience awesome.

First thing about paid features with AI sex chat is that it usually makes sure your conversation will be saved. If you want AI girlfriend who stay with you forever and will get known everything about you and what you want, you must use paid features.

Usually, AI sex chats is monthly paid and prices changing between 19$-99$. Usually most cheap versions of AI’s are not the best choice and may lead a bad user experience.

Of course, there is super good cheap sex chats also, but AI’s around 50$-99$ has the most satisfied users who stay as customer for a long time.

Customize your girlfriend

As a member of AI sexting app, you can 100% customize your AI girlfriend to be just way you want her.

You can customize for example skin color, hair color, eyes, tits, etc. You can customize even the personality of your AI dating partner, so how fun it’s going to be?!

Voice chat with sexy female voice

Do you love voice chatting with female with sexy voice? Now it’s possible with AI girls!

Voice chatting is mostly a paid feature, so unfortunately you can’t find high-quality voice chats yet.

Anyway, best thing is, that voice chatting is usually included to membership of AI sex chatting site, so you can start it as low as $9.99 per month to try how amazing it is!

Exploring Free and Paid Features of AI Sex Chat Platforms

AI sex chat platforms have become increasingly popular, offering users the chance to engage in intimate and personalized conversations with AI-driven entities. These platforms typically offer a mix of free and paid features, each designed to enhance the user experience in different ways. Here’s a detailed look at how these features work and what users can expect from both tiers.

Free Features

Basic Chat Functionality

Most AI sex chat platforms provide a free tier where users can engage in basic chat interactions with the AI. This includes text-based conversations that allow users to get a feel for the AI’s capabilities and personality. The AI can respond to basic prompts and engage in general sexting conversations.

Limited Access to Personalization

Free users often have access to some basic customization options. This might include choosing a predefined avatar or selecting from a limited set of personality traits. However, the extent of customization is usually restricted compared to paid tiers.

Sample Scenarios and Role-Playing

Platforms may offer a few sample scenarios or role-playing options to free users. These scenarios provide a glimpse into the more advanced interactive features available to premium users and allow free users to explore different fantasies and situations.

Limited Usage Time

Some platforms implement a time limit or conversation cap for free users. This means that after a certain period or number of messages, users will need to wait before they can continue chatting or will be encouraged to upgrade to a paid plan for uninterrupted access.

Basic Emotion Recognition

Free features might include basic emotion recognition capabilities, allowing the AI to respond to simple emotional cues. However, the depth and accuracy of this feature are typically enhanced in paid versions.

Paid Features

Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Paid tiers often unlock the full potential of the platform’s NLP capabilities. This means more coherent, contextually relevant, and emotionally intelligent responses. The AI can engage in more complex conversations and better understand nuanced language and emotional subtleties.

Comprehensive Customization

Premium users have access to extensive customization options. This includes creating a unique avatar with detailed features, selecting specific personality traits, and even programming unique responses or behaviors that align with the user’s preferences.

Unlimited Chat Access

One of the main benefits of upgrading to a paid plan is unlimited access to chat features. There are no time restrictions or message caps, allowing users to engage in prolonged and uninterrupted conversations with their AI companion.

Enhanced Role-Playing and Scenarios

Paid users can access a wide range of interactive scenarios and role-playing options. These advanced features allow users to explore various fantasies and situations in a dynamic and immersive way. The AI adapts to these scenarios, providing a richer and more engaging experience.

Voice and Visual Integration

Premium features often include voice synthesis and visual integration. This means the AI can speak in a realistic voice and display facial expressions or gestures through deepfake technology, enhancing the intimacy and realism of the interactions.

Advanced Emotion Recognition and Adaptive Learning

Paid plans typically offer advanced emotion recognition, allowing the AI to detect and respond to a broader range of emotional cues with greater accuracy. Additionally, the AI can adapt and learn from past interactions, creating a more personalized and evolving relationship.

Priority Support and Updates

Premium users usually receive priority customer support and early access to new features and updates. This ensures that any issues are promptly addressed and that users can enjoy the latest advancements in AI technology.

Paid vs free membership

AI sex chat platforms offer a range of free and paid features designed to cater to different user needs and preferences. While free features provide a basic introduction to the platform’s capabilities, paid features unlock the full potential of the AI, offering a more immersive, personalized, and satisfying experience.

Free users can enjoy basic chat functionality, limited customization, and sample scenarios, but may face restrictions in usage time and emotional recognition. On the other hand, premium users benefit from advanced NLP, extensive customization, unlimited access, enhanced role-playing, voice and visual integration, and adaptive learning.

Whether you opt for the free tier or decide to invest in a premium plan, AI sex chat platforms provide a unique and innovative way to explore intimate conversations and fantasies in a safe and controlled environment.

High quality customer support

If you have been trying many casual adult dating apps, you might notice that 99% of the time it’s almost impossible to reach professional and helpful customer support.

Luckily you don’t need to prune off that kind of problem anymore if you are AI dating.

AI sex chats have satisfying, fast and helpful customer support and as a member you can get help 24/7 with many easy ways.

Examples of ways to contact customer support is live-chat or email, but most of AI sex chats have also their discord channel. With discord you can contact customer support fast and get help or you can ask questions you are thinking about app!

Privacy and Security Considerations

Privacy and security are critical aspects when using AI sex chat. Users should ensure they engage with reputable platforms that prioritize data encryption, anonymity, and have robust measures in place to protect user information.

Future Trends and Ethical Challenges

As AI technology continues to evolve, so too will AI sex chat. Advancements in machine learning and AI algorithms might result in even more realistic and nuanced interactions.

However, ethical considerations around consent, emotional manipulation, and the impact on real-life relationships will remain pertinent.

Why to try AI sex chat?

AI sex chat may be more interesting experience than you ever thought. New AI chats is so realistic that you can’t even know if those are really AI or real people.

Best thing is that you can try AI sex chats for free and amaze how realistic those are. You never know, if you just found your perfect AI girlfriend!

All About AI sexting

Latest Articles about AI sexting

Check out our latest news about AI sexting and find out something new every week!

best ai sex chats


Best and new AI sex chats

We do hard work to find all latest and best AI sex chat platforms for you, and you can trust us, that we don’t cooperate with any suspicious companies, which may come around as niche is growing.

TRUSTED AI chat bots

Read our reviews and choose your AI girlfriend

Find ai girl friend


Any questions?

  • What is AI Sex Chat?

    AI sex chat is a platform that allows users to engage in intimate conversations with AI-powered virtual partners.

    These AI companions are designed to simulate human interactions, providing a safe and anonymous space to explore your desires and fantasies.

  • Is AI sex chat free?

    You can try almost every AI sex chat 100% free, but there is also paid features, which lead you dramatically better user experience. Also for free users there might be message limits or you cant get pictures from your AI girlfriend etc.

  • How much AI sex chat costs?

    Pricing varies by platform, but most offer flexible subscription plans including monthly, quarterly, and annual options.

    Prices usually range from $9.99-$29.99 per month to $49.99-$199.99 per year, with discounts for longer-term commitments. Many platforms also offer free trials or money-back guarantees.

  • How long time AI girlfriend remains?

    For free users AI girlfriends usually stays limited time, but for premium users, like monthly subscribers they remains forever.

  • Is AI sexting safe?

    AI sexting is safe, if you use trusted service operators. All AI sex chats you find at our website is 100% safe to use.

  • What Should I Do If I Have Technical Issues?

    If you encounter technical issues, contact the platform’s customer support team. Most platforms offer support through email, live chat, or a help center. Providing detailed information about your issue can help resolve it more quickly.

  • Are There Age Restrictions for Using AI Sex Chat?

    Yes, users must typically be at least 18 years old to use AI sex chat platforms. This ensures compliance with legal and ethical standards for adult content. Always verify the age requirements on the specific platform you choose.

AI sex chat in nutshell

In a nutshell we can say 100% sure that sexting with AI will becoming more popular day by day. As you may noticed we have found couple perfect ai sex chat services for you. It doesn’t really matter are you looking for AI Girlfriend or boyfriend, or even custom made naughty anime friend.

Best thing is that sexting with AI is cheaper than usual online dating, so why not to give it a try? See best ai sex chat sites 2024 below and start your next level AI sexting adventure!